A Morning Stroll in Budapest
On a recent trip to Budapest our company president, Stacy Borocz, reflects on an early morning walk. The city savored a few more moments of sleepy peace. The streets were quiet. The cafes empty. Even the Ferris wheel sat perfectly still. Yet anticipation of the day was everywhere. As if any moment, would be the exact and perfect time, for the day to begin.
It is in these valuable and unexpected moments where our creativity begins. Waiting for the day to come to its peak, these perfect morning strides often provide inspiration for new Europe2You products. With the awakening of a morning market, ready to serve the busy streets, our latest inspiration boards steal a glimpse of the mind’s eye. A slight color change occurs, a product is tweaked, an accent is changed. As the day comes into focus, a sketch pad captures each design transition.
It is in the common objects, that we draw unique and thoughtful inspiration from, which manifests into the Europe2You products we know and love. Walking further down the street, the red bistro chairs strike a sense of color awareness, which translates to our Pizza Board Wall Art.
Across the way, an open air market, showcases fresh fruits and vegetables refreshing the value we place on a farm-to-table lifestyle. Our serving boards, embody this thought process, handcrafted from reclaimed wood, allowing an organic way of life to transition from the food we eat, to how we serve it.
Meanwhile, the subtle detail of an iron fence reveals that an industrial element can make quite the impression. Our own incorporation of iron is evident in our products such as our Iron Handled Cloche, lending a modern touch to one of our signature glass accents.